Undergraduate Teaching Lab wins SafetyStratus College and University Health and Safety Award
The award is given annually by the American Chemical Society.
The Department of Chemistry’s Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory has been awarded the 2020 SafetyStratus College and University Health and Safety Award by the American Chemical Society (ACS). ACS gives this award in recognition of the most comprehensive chemical safety programs in higher undergraduate education.
The process of submitting the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory for this illustrious prize was initiated by Whitney Hess, manager of safety systems and programs at MIT.Nano, who worked diligently with laboratory Director John Dolhun to complete the comprehensive application required for the award.
“We feel very honored, this represents our collective efforts to strive for the highest standards in fostering a safe teaching lab and in enhancing the chemical safety education of our undergraduates,” said Dolhun and Hess in a joint statement. “We are motivated to continuously improve our lab operations and safety, in alignment with the research advances happening in the chemistry department that inspire our lab modules.”
Winners of the SafetyStratus College and University Health and Safety Award receive a $1,000 honorarium and an engraved plaque, which are presented at the 2020 CHAS Awards Symposium at the ACS Fall national meeting. The recipients will deliver a 15- to 20-minute presentation on any topic pertaining to chemical safety at the symposium.
MIT previously received this award in 2005 and 1991.